Monday, February 8, 2010

Hello, 17.

Um, man. I'm turning 17 in about 2 hours.. Woah. I made it to 17. I know some dudes who didn't make it to my age. And I feel grateful. 16 was a loooooong year. Like I thought it would never end. But 16 was probably the best year of my life. I've experienced heartbreak, pain, love, lust, and everything else. It's just I gained and lost a lot during this age. Lost some friends and gained some. And I don't mind. I'm finally being reconized for me. People know my name. People know who MdB is. People know who Marcus Browder is. Like sometimes I feel humbled. Like I'm just being me. I don't who else to be and people actually like me for me.

I don't need to put on any front for anybody. I'm the same with everyone and people like me for that. I've been exposed to more shit during my 16th year of life. Man, it's been a trip. But 17 and beyond I'm gonna try to do right. I've been messing myself up and I can't have any of that anymore. Like I have to become a more mature Marcus. Like I have to make a lot of shit happen for me. and 2011 will be my greatest year. Yeah, not 2010. But, 2011.  I'm growing up... And I like it. I can't stay a kid forever.

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