Saturday, April 3, 2010


I'm trying to mature. Like I've made my mistake lately. And I don't want to make those mistake again. It's really fustrating to see that I'm disappointing a lot of people.. I just want to try my best to put a smile on everyone's faces. There are a lot of people who believe in me. I just haven't been believing in myself. There have been a lot of distractions lately. And I've fallen into the trap. Like girls will always be there and I gotta get my act together... I tried chasing this one girl... I guess she didn't want me so I wasted a long time chasing something that wasn't worth the chase. And then there's another girl that I hurt. I've tried to mend fences and makee things right. But it looks like she doesn't want to make the effort so why should I?

I just really need to put a tunnel vision up on my school work and my brand. I'm trying to build something here. And it will be built in the next 3 years. I have the outlets and I'm going to use them. See the thing about me is. When I'm dedicated and  focused on something I'm pretty damn good at it. Trust me. So I'm focused on ME. Everyone else who isn't focused on making something great or building something and staying positive can't be around me. Because for the next 5-6 months... I'm on a mission.