Monday, December 28, 2009



THE 2000s

The Internet. 9/11. Singles. Nike Dunks. Postmodernism. The Republican Party. The Middle East. iEverything. Paris Hilton. Emo (music and state of mind). Coffee. Bright Colors. Globalization. Healthcare Corruption. American Apparel. Denim. Losing Religion. Terrorism. HBO. Shepard Fairey. Yoga. Blogging. A Bathing Ape. Jessica Alba. Christian Audigier. Marijuana. City of God. Scarves. Irony. Fairfax. Kanye West. Digital Photography. War. The ‘70s. ”Reality.” American Idol. Stupidity. Popped Collars. Wheat Paste. New Era 59/50. Myspace. Homosexuality. Zip-Up Hoodies. Corporatization. Turning 20. Going Green. Minorities. World of Warcraft. Malcolm Gladwell. Wireless. Patterns. Eminem. Obesity. Los Angeles. The Hills. Korean Yogurt. Hypebeast. Napoleon Dynamite. Kobe. Pornography. Customizing. MILFs. Radiohead. Overnight Success. Comic Con. Luxury. Trucker Caps. Air Soles. Dressing Differently. Judd Apatow. Steroids. Islam. Downloading. Skateboarding Trends. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Skulls. Fixed Gear. Rick Roll’d. Giant Robot. The Sopranos. Web Humor. H&M. American Guilt. Ari Gold. Survivor. Hate. Futura 2000. Sushi. Brown Hair. Track Jackets and Allover Print. White People. Cynicism. MP3s. Pixar. MMA. Kid Robot. Streetwear.


Gaga. Beards. Tom’s Shoes. The End of the World. Vampires. Infidelity. Barack Obama. Jersey Shore. Facebook. Twitter. Taylor. Smartphones. 8 babies. Global Warming. Value. Kaws One. Skinny Denim. Abby Elliott is not quite the new Kristen Wiig. Yet. Medicinal Marijuana. Dancing. The End of Streetwear. Vulcanized Soles. Tattoos. Blowing Up Overnight. The Hangover. All Black Everything. Black Hair. China. Crewnecks. Kindle. Lindsay Lohan. Kid Cudi. Solids. The Democratic Party. Gourmet Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. Ignorance. Flannels. Social Networking. Aziz Ansari. Complacency. Skateboard Sport. Curb Your Enthusiasm. Graffiti. Feeling 30. User-Generated. Radiohead Copycats. Korean Tacos. Supra. CNN. Dressing like Everyone Else. Digital Videography. SXSW. Tumblr. Inglorious Basterds. Trad. Kobe vs. Lebron. Hulu. Megan Fox. Comic Movies. The Lakers. Latinos. The Yankees. Homophobia. G-Shock. The Berrics. The ‘80s. Ripping. Top Shop. The Kardashians. Cupcakes. Where the Wild Things Are. The Economy. Snuggie. Racism. Healthcare Reform. Smurf Beanies. Internet Cats. Techno. San Francisco. The Death of Print. American Downfall. Fallon is NOT the new Conan. Conan is NOT the old Conan. Modern Warfare. Swine Flu. iPhone apps. Dying Young. Branding. Lil’ Wayne. Cougars. Monetizing the Internet. Hamsters.


Apple Tablet. On-Demand. Apathy. Getting Older. The Weather. Jessica Lowndes. The XX. Quality. Los Angeles Rap. Alice in Wonderland. Re-thinking the Internet. Comic Books. Joan Jett. The ‘90s. Socialism. E-commerce. Live Feed. DeLorean. Reading. Drawing. Blowing Out Overnight. Privacy. The Independent Party. Sam Rockwell. Football. I mean Soccer. Underage. Dressing Like Yourself. Thom Yorke. Pullover Hoodies. Navy Blue and Ash Heather. Homosexual Culture. Healthcare Insurance Reform. George Lopez. Education. Turning 30. Olivia Munn. Blonde Hair. The Death of Irony. Materials. Art Basel. Cupsoles. The Hundreds. The Rebirth of Streetwear. Lebron. Marijuana Legalization. The Death of Adolescence. American Pride. Kick Ass. Vegetarianism. Korean Food. Hypersexuality. Film. Dr. Dre. Baggy Denim. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. How to Make It in America. Asians. Skateboarding Culture. Surf. Iron Man 2. Camouflage. Hair not Hats. Illustration. Classic Colors. New York.

by bobbyhundreds

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