the picture above is so amazing to me. a close fried did that artwork. She's gonna be huge in the art industry. Shouts out to Alyssa AmB. ily!
now, to this post.
I've been thinking lately.. I need to upgrade myself and elevate my company and stuff.. I need more friends. I need a true group of people that I can truely call friends. I don't have that right now. I have tons of friends and stuff but i need FRIENDS. I have AmB.. and my friend Jake they are pretty dope. I had a gf.. But idk.. I have to think again about that relationship before I hop back in it.. Maybe I'm overthinking things too much
But I just want things to go my way. And lately everything has been going sideways. I'm excited to go back to school and get back on the grind.. I'm ready to be Marcus Browder the student, the football player, the good guy.. I've been an asshole to some people lately. I need to change that.. I know.. But hey, we have our moments. I think I need to be open to more things and more people. This school year I vow to be nicer and gain more friends than I started school with.
It's time for a new beginning. I gotta find THAT GIRL. You know, the one who makes you forget about everyone else...
And I gotta find great friends... or current friends who develop into great friends
It's 5:05 am.. I'm about to put my head to the pillows and dream nice dreams
I completely understand how you are feeling (minus the girl part) lol, you have friends that there but they don't all mean something to you.. Friends that come to mind to call immediately when you feel down or have a problem not friends that are just cool to hang out with..
Unfortunately (in a way), they'll only come later in life which isn't a bad thing because at least they are coming right?
Don't worry about "that girl" too much because the funny thing is she'll come at an unexpected and random time. You just have to be aware or "the good guy". She's out there but sometimes you have to wade through the weeds to get to the clearing..
oh, i didn't really think of it that way.
thanks Natalie.. My UK reader (and maybe my only reader)
I appreciate the feedback and you give good advice.
lol I am definitely not your only reader, your London reader yes, only = nada.
lol I appreciate your blog and thanks
since you appreciate my blog. i appreciate you.
i feel really humbled that someone actually likes my blog.
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