Man, it's like 3:52.. Jeez.. Why am I always up late for no reason? But when in doubt.. Blog. At least that's my new motto..
The title has nothing to do with anything except the fact I'm listening to the Shwayze album from last summer. This album speaks to me.. I love almost every track and that's rare for me. TO LIKE EVERY TRACK?! Congrats Shwayze. lol.
But really, I've been thinking.. Why are girls so confusing. They are like a light switch. One minute they're on and the next they're off. It really sucks. I've been so indecisive with women lately.. It's like there are too many of them.. Whoever said you can't have too many women.. LIED. I don't like hurting people, it's not in me. It's not good. I feel like I can be a better man. I need to settle down. But the girl of my dreams isn't going to be in my reality.. So it'll be pointless for me to chase her right?
But idk. I'm always writing in my blog about women. At first I couldn't get a girl to talk to me.. Now I have too many talking to me. But the only important women are family and AmB. truely. My thoughts lately have been so trill. Like really. I'm tripping out. I wish that the perfect chick would just say.. "Marcus Browder, I'm into you" Real talk. Forreal. and all those other sayings. The girl in my mind is so dope.. I don't think I'll ever be happy unless it's her in reality.. I have one idea of one girl.. She doesn't even know I'm interested.. She's so beautiful.. Like honestly. Nice hair, DOPE body, nice eyes, DOPE personality. Like really.. One of these days man.. I swear.
I think I do my best writing late at night. Like idk.. Whatever..
I'm still vibing out to Shwayze.. I wonder what happened to their show on MTV.
I kinda wish I could go back a couple of years.. Well I wish I could go back to the 4th grade and resume life from then.. Sometimes I miss the old days of elementary school. But whatever. I'll save that for another post.. Really the one thing I miss most above elementary school is Allie Ho. I gave her that nickname (Nobody take credit)
Eh, I turned off the Shwayze. I'm listening to some good ol' Rhymthm & Blues.. man, now this speaks to my soul right now.. I'm just like.. Wow.. and wish Ms. Right would come around instead Ms. Right Now and Ms. I'm here for a couple of weeks.. Smh..
I feel like if I stop looking and let her come to me.. She'll eventually come around... But.. I don't know. WHERE ARE YOU?! Oh wait, this girl I really liked went to summer camp and I haven't talked to her in a minute.. She's a really DOPE girl.. she's amazing.. I haven't wrote to her all summer... Damn, that's not good.. I lost the adress of the camp.. I'll make it up to her.
And I'm tired of listening to this LOVE SONGS.... TIME TO LISTEN TO SOME ABOVE & BEYOND SONGS. lol.
I guess the moral of this story kids is ... I got girls Buzzin' all over me.. I'm stingin' em.. But I don't wanna sting them anymore.. I want H.E.R.
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