"Stop Hatin on a nigga, that is a weak emotion the lady of a nigga" - lil WAYNE
I hate when people get jealous man. It annoys me. If you're confident with what your rockin' then jealousy should never be an issue.
When people say they have swagger or "swagg" what does that really entail? To me, swagger is your overall being. Like style, personality, and confidence.
But what I'm really gettin at is.. Jealous guys. I've been recieving a lot of hate lately and anemostiy from dudes lately. Some guys approaching me for talking to their girl. Fam, are you serious. I wasn't even trying to spit game at the girl or even make a move on her.
And I don't like dudes like that. Who try to control every aspect of their girls lives. Please man, let people be free. "She wants to move.. She wants to move but you're hoggin' her. You're guarding her" Pharrell
Let her make her own decisions. Let her be her. You are her boyfriend. Not her guardian. Not her decision-maker. BOYFRIEND. Not EVERYTHING.
I'm not into fighting.. Especially fighting over girls. ESPECIALLY over girls I'm not romantically interested in. So please save the drama because me and drama aren't buddies. Well I guess the moral of this post is.. Save the drama for your momma and fix your insecurities. Because insecurities make you jealous. So please get that worked out because I'm not in the mood for you.
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