In honor of Valentine's Day I think I'm gonna write some kind of Anti Valentines Day thing.
I HATE YOU COUPLES OUT THERE!Sometimes I wish I had a girl.. Well I kinda did but she moved to
Florida.. That sucks. But it's times of the year like this when I wish I had a girl or even a girl that was
marginally interested in me. I could get something goin. But nah, not this year. Not in 09. I remember two years ago that was kinda the best Valentines Day. It was grammar school but it was still super fly. My school had the Valentines Day dance the friday before the actual day.. But I was doin it big. It was my birthday, I had a girl, and I went to the dance fresh as hell. I forgot who my girl was at the time.. Maybe it was one of the Stephanie's I dated. Oh, dang it was Stephanie Reyes. She was quite fine that day. Haha. But the dance was crackin and we was all boyfriend and girlfriend-ish. It was cool. Fast foward a couple of years later When all the girlfriends have moved on and I'm sitting here typing my dislike of all the couple's I see. Ehh, I wish my Florida girl was here. But she's not. Oh well. Valentine's Day should be
bittersweet. Maybe just
bitter. Or maybe it will get
sweet. Only time will tell. I'll let yall know what happens..