NEW SONG COMING SOON. MDB999 “Blondetourage”
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Thursday, April 28, 2022
MJ back in '95 type shit.
This blog has shown me myself in the best way possible. I am finding myself and this blog from my youth has shown me exactly who I am supposed to be. Everything I talked about was something I am currently working towards. I feel the same ways about myself but I am more sure of myself than I have ever been. This blog has shown me I have been right about everything I am saying. Progress is being made and by this time next year I am going to be making big waves in the music and art industry. MDB is back, no longer an intelligent hoodlum but I am still about the positive mindset. 999 Shit.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
A Poem For Arissé.
A Poem For Arissé.
Damn baby, you’re the one that’s got me going crazy.
I knew when I met you would up being my lady.
Don’t sweat those lil love handles, that’s where I hold you at when I stand you up to ram you.
Coke bottle frame girl you’re the fucking baddest.
You could be the fucking best, I like two twins on your chest.
For you, I’ll try to be the greatest.
I really like your style and your flow.
I think you’re really dope, I thought you should.
Yeah, I like your hair and how it looks.
Baby, you are beautiful, I thought I’d never find someone more suitable.
You’re yellow skinned where can I begin? Can we get closer like Corrine.
I’m in a race for your heart, I’m just trying to be Ricky Bobby.
Damn, and your body is banging like Donkey Kong
Why, your eyes are like sapphires sparkling so bright. They make the morning radiant and light.
You’re a real alley cat, huh?
I’m always thinking about the 21st letter in the alphabet and that is U.
Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin with no make on. That’s when you’re fucking dopest, I hope that you don’t take it wrong.
You give me a high I couldn’t get from any bong.
My phone stays on vibrate but you got your own special ringtone.
I can’t hold a tune, but for you I’d sing a song.
If I had an Arissé I would always wear my Braves hat.
I love it in my hood but I don’t mind kicking it where you’re at.
You don’t have to tell me, but I know I’m the fucking man.
I think I might like you more than Spacejam.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
To: Her
You’ve got what I neeeeeeeed. And I won’t stop until I’m on top.
They say love is the highest form of affection. They also say I’m too young to feel love.
I cannot shake this crush. You’re on my mind too much.
I wanna tell you how I feel, but they tell me the love I feel isn’t real.
I’m not in love it’s just the highest form of affection I feel with you.
I want you by my side.
And logically, I can see us kissing on the moon. Honestly, I could see us screwing on the moon.
You are what consumes my mind.
I wish you were mine…
But I… can’t tell if I love you.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Rumble young man, rumble
Life is a trip, so sometimes we gon’ stumble
You gotta go through pain in order to become you
But once the world loves you, you’ll feel like there’s only one you
Now you got the power to do anything you want to
Until you ask yourself is this what it all has come to
Looking at life through sunglasses and a sunroof
Until you have the power to get out from up under you
Fuck all these labels, fuck what everybody wants from you
They trying Axl Rose you, “Welcome to The Jungle”
To be continued, we on that Norma Nella shit
We’re search for the truth even if it goes through Taylor Swift
Tell her this:
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
How do you go about ignoring someone? Like you were just cool with me a couple of days ago and then you stop talking to me. Well, I'm sorry if I said anything to piss you off or something but I guess I can take the hint and leave you alone. I'm not going to be desperate and keep hitting you up. Although I keep hoping every text is you. But, it's not. It's either an e-mail or something random. I guess all our big plans aren't going to go through.
Monday, August 16, 2010
I think I'm done with pursuing women. I mean, I need to take a break. Focus on what I need to do. And plus, everything is becoming messy anyway. So, I'm deleting contacts, deleting pages, etc. I mean, they demand so much from me and expect too much. I'm going to just go though for a little bit just focusing.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Her eyes are blue.
Better than the sky blue.
When I'm blue, they make me feel better.
Because your eyes are apart of you.
When we talk peacefully I feel on top of the world.
We can stand on top of the world together.
Even if I'm not with you, I think about you all the time.
How it would've been if I didn't fuck up.
But from that experience it makes me want to grow up.
Makes the man in me want to show up.
Take you somewhere we can be alone listen to you speak because your voice is so beautiful.
There are so many things I want to do with you.
Hold your hand while we walk, whisper in your ear.
One day you'll be my dear.
Yeah, our future is clear.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Stranger Danger

It's funny how you can go from being complete strangers with someone to striking up small talk and then from small talk you turn into an in-depth conversation about each other's interests and things you might have in common or things you'd like to do in the future.
I mean, there was this one girl, honestly I don't even remember how we started talking but we did. Honestly, my intentions were never to try to get at her. But dang, she was hella fine inside and out. Like everything about her is just so dope. She doesn't take any bullshit and she's amazing. She likes everything I like and vice-versa. It's like she was almost made for me. From Charles Hamilton to simple things. Her smile is like watching the sunrise on the beaches of California. If I had a choice I'd choose her over the sun. She's amazing and we just bonded over simple things. She's funny too. Well at least she keeps me laughing and smiling. I can't get enough of her. Before I go to sleep she's one of my final thoughts before I rest, always leaving a goofy smile on my face. I don't know what it is. But, she's just the bee's knees.
Aston Martin Music
as I type this blog post I am listening to both versions of this song by Drake and Rick Ross. I can't get this song out of my head. Reminds me of an old track I can't remember the name of. But, I love it.
Honestly, things have been swaying both ways lately in my life. I've just been coasting through the month of August like it's nothing. But several incidents have encouraged me to do a couple of things. 1.) Cut people out of my life. Not everyone is supposed to be your friend. If you don't have a couple of enemies along the road of success then you're doing something wrong. 2.) I need to not let things get the better of me. Honestly, I try to not see myself as better than anyone else in this world because we're all human but sometimes I think I'm just on a different level than most people. It's like I'm on an island waiting for everyone to swim over and gain this knowledge that I have attained. 3.) I have to be very secure with myself because a lot of people try to bring me down with several jokes. Honestly, I've heard everything there is to say about me. Not many words can do harm to me. But, over a period of time it gets old. Like I can only be called fat so many times or a lame so many times. Or people tell me I can't rhyme. Like come on. I have talent. You people can't deny that.
But overall I've learned that people like me for me. And that a lot of people actually listen to what I have to say. I think my voice can travel far and help people and positively affect them. I feel like Peter Parker when he discovered he could shoot webs from his wrists.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I think everyone is quick to put a label on things these days. And put labels on people. People but labels on this to restrict certain things. I hate being labeled things. Don't restrict me. Just because someone where's skinny jeans and retro shit doesn't make them a hipster, it just makes them a person who wears skinny jeans and retro shit. You know. People need to stop labeling shit
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Elevator Music
The title doesn't relate to this post at all. But, I've just been thinking. I'm happy these days and I guess elevator music makes me happy. Just the simple tune of something. I digress. Life has been decent for me as of late. Except my basement flooding last week and I've been sleeping on my couch ever since. Kinda sucks. But it looks like stuff will be getting back to normal soon. School is starting soon. =\ But, it's ok. I'm going to be a SEN11OR. Class of 2011 runs this. :)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Everybody has an opinion. I love when people have opinions about me. I'm just glad people notice me. It could be worse.
"... I love what other people think. It’s honestly an honor, even if it’s negative, for somebody to write about me or have an opinion. I love it and it’s an honor. Motherfuckers don’t have to write about you. Motherfuckers don’t have to interview you. No one has to give a fuck about you" - Brandon "Lil B" McCartney
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