So, I had a girlfriend. Broke up with her. Now this girl is everywhere. I'm even semi-forced to sit with her at lunch man. I swear. I'm sick of seeing her face. It's like a constant reminder of shit. She cool with people I'm cool with. And I don't like that. It annoys me. Her face is starting to annoy me. The people I'm around are starting to annoy me. I can't even talk to anyone.. Well one person I can always talk to.
She's the most amazing girl I've ever met. She's the best. I love her. Yes, I love her. and I'm not "hittin' it" or anything. She knows my secrets. I know her's. She's my best friend. I can tell her anything. It doesn't shock her..
And... I didn't even know I had a reputation at my school. Seriously. But apparently all the girls think I'm a major flirt. And I flirt with every girl. And I try to get every girls number. NOT TRUE. Honestly.. I just say things to say them. I guess I'm putting on a show for you guys. Someone needs to provide the entertainment.. So why not me? I mean, I see beauty in almost everyone because it's there. Like someone doesn't have to have the prettiest person ever for me to say "Hey beautiful". There is something I see beautiful in you and I like it.
So, don't mistake me being super nice and shit as being flirty and shit. I mean. Come on... In the words of Dom Kennedy "I WOULDN'T FUCK HALF OF YA'LL. I AIN'T WITH THAT RAPPER STUFF"
And speaking of Dom he sent me a tweet on twitter.. I asked him what does it take to be successful in the rap industry and he told me "make music that means something and work hard"
Like forreal. Why does my music have to be about being "fresh". That shit doesn't matter to me. I'm not materialistic. I'm not like these other niggas. I'm not like the other "rappers" at my school. I spit about some crazy funny shit and niggas be like "nah, nigga you can't rap. YOU SUCK" we are two different people. And majority of niggas tryna rap are thugs or thugs tryna be fresh or niggas just trying to be fresh. rapping about how fresh you are only gets you so far.
Like forreal. I'mma rap about girls and homework. because that's what I'm about man. Word..
And how come it seems that I like latina girls lately?! Like seriously.. WTF! But it's all good.. Because they look good..and we could be good together. lol.
I wrote this girl a song this week.. She said she liked it. So idk.. She's maaad cute too. Like forreal. She could be Mrs. MdB material. eh.. but we're just pals until then.. Shoutout to her.. She's mad sexy though.
And so this other girl too.. Idk. I was into her.. Then I wasn't.. And now I am.. but idk. She never responds back to texts or fbook chat so idk if she's ignoring me or she's just not into me. I can take a hint.
Also... my hand hurts thanks to football practice... my hand still looks a little swollen.. OH WELL! Football is a dangerous sport.. No pussies allowed.
So on that note.. I'm gonna end this.. It was nice to vent..
ps.. I feel so much better